Sunday, March 17, 2013


       On my 3rd photo assignment I had to do a photograph related to what is know as "Deadpan" photography. Referring to a "Plain lack of expression" from the part of the individual being photographed and the detachment of the photographer from the subject. Usually photographs are pretty much posed, but in this case the subject is probably in a natural state on a plain expression/ emotionless expression.

Rineke Dijkstra is a Dutch photographer and a great example of a portraiture photographer who focuses on deadpan photography. Her works have been showcased at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC. Here is the website where you can find her latest work installments at the museum. Below are some of her works.

Rineke Dijkstra "self portrait" after a swim. This show her exhaustion and expressions after swimming.

Rineke's photographs are so raw and simple. I really enjoy her work.

For my version of "Deadpan" I photographed my friend Johanan Colon who by the way I enjoy photographing. He has been the subject of my photographs a couple of times now. Here is the final product.

Johanan Colon

I kinda got carried away with the location we were shooting at that I just took a couple of non-"deadpan" photographs.

I really enjoy doing portraiture. Being this close to the subject can tell you so much about them and one can even see sides of that person that you have never seen before. In my opinion portraiture is also open to interpretation in a way. The viewer may ask questions such as:

  • What is this person thinking?
  • What emotional state the subject is in?
  •  How is the subject feeling?

All this questions may be asked more often with "Deadpan" since the subject is showing little to no emotion.

You can visit my Facebook page HERE
You can visit Johanan Colon's blog and learn from his creative side and also read my recent feature HERE

Thanks for reading.....

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